NEMBBA offer long service certificates to players (and conductors and non-playing band officials) for 25, 50, 60 and 75 cumulative years of membership of brass bands. This includes time playing in school, training brass bands and non-contesting bands (and for non-NEMBBA bands). Awards can be made retrospectively if you have, for example, players who have been playing for 30 years.

Players should be nominated by their band secretary and currently be a member of any brass band within the NEMBBA geographical area (even if your band is not actually a paid-up member of NEMBBA) or of a brass band from outside our area, but who is a member of NEMBBA.

Certificates are usually publicly presented at our February and autumn contests or can be posted to you by our administration manager, Robert Stansfield (please supply a self-addressed, stamped, A4 envelope). Please email Robert at for further details.